If you are booking the Dynamic Core for Kids: Pelvic Health Edition please read the following information:

Please book part 1 and part 2 separately. Choose the course (part 1 or part 2) and then click on the calendar to proceed with setting up your account (if you do not already have an account in Jane with Paediatric Physiotherapy Associates). Please include your name, address, email, phone number, occupation and employer (for the receipt and to help the instructors understand the needs of their audience). You will be required to pay upfront for the class at the time of booking. If you cancel your registration prior to October 1, 2023 you will receive a 50% refund. No refunds will be provided for cancellation after October 1, 2023. The host reserves the right to cancel the course with full refund if minimum numbers are not reached. If you have questions please contact cath.patterson@sympatico.ca. Thank you.

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